About Us

About ALA
The Association of Licensed Architects (ALA) supports architects and professions related to architecture, throughout their careers
  • Real-world focus
  • Exceptional education programs
  • Respected awards and events
  • Important networking opportunities
  • Friendly, cooperative culture
Focused on Giving More to Our Members
ALA has supported its members in practical ways for nearly two decades. We believe more is a wonderful thing! That's why we provide top notch industry speakers, the opportunity to earn 12 CEUs in one year, affordable dues, free contracts, essential programs on code, and connections with peers, suppliers, plus best practices. 

Founded in 1999
ALA was founded in 1999 by architects who previously served as Board Members of other architects’ associations. Shortly thereafter the Illinois Society of Architects (ISA), the oldest independent state organization in the country, combined efforts with ALA, bringing respected expertise and historic significance to the Association.