Understanding Blower Door Testing for Commercial and Multifamily Buildings

Conference Schedule
Understanding Blower Door Testing for Commercial and Multifamily Buildings
Speaker: Benjamin A. Skelton, P.E., CxA, LEED AP
Approved by ALA and AIA for 1 LU/HSW
Spring Signature Conference, Friday, May 31, 2024

Blower door testing has been a common test performed on single family residential homes to test the leakage rate of the assembled building. Commercial codes have also recognized blower door testing but have mostly kept that path optional. The latest energy code, being adopted throughout the United States, has changed air leakage testing to a requirement. This session will focus on what blower door testing is, how it is performed, planning for testing in design and what happens when the tests fail.

Learning Objectives:
Participants will:

  1. Learn about ASTM E779-19 Blower Door Test procedure.
  2. Understand how to incorporate air leakage requirements in design documents.
  3. Review code language and required procedures.
  4. Identify measures to take when air leakage is discovered.

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