Event Calendar
L&L Palatine: Getting Paid Without Getting Sued
Date(s): April 25, 2017
Time: 11:30 AM CST - 1:00 PM CST
Every professional faces the challenge of collecting for their work in a timely manner. Clients may be slow to pay for a variety of reasons including cash flow problems, project frustrations or simple procrastination. Whatever the reason, a well prepared professional will be more efficient than an unorganized one.
This program will help you appreciate the importance of a clearly written contract; identify the most important clauses to include in a contract; realize the best practices for documenting critical items during a project; and understand the most effective way to handle collections. When communication breaks down between a professional and the client collections become very difficult and are often met with counterclaims and accusations.
We will review the best practices in these areas:
1. Do the Write Thing: Memorializing Your Terms Properly
2. Mind the Scope: Documenting Project Changes and Costs; and
3. Lien on Me: Securing Payment Under Illinois or Wisconsin Lien Law.
Presenters: Josh Levy and Eric Meier, Husch Blackwell
Cost: $20 Members / $30 Non-Members includes lunch
Approved for 1.0 LU with ALA and AIA