Dr. Charles Nmai, PE, M.ASCE, FACI

Dr. Charles Nmai, PE, M.ASCE, FACI

Head of Engineering
Master Builders Solutions Admixtures US, LLC


"Are You Ready for Low-Carbon Concrete & Ultra-High Performance Concrete?"  
ALA Fall Signature Conference, Thursday, Nov. 16, 2023

Dr. Nmai is Head of Engineering at Master Builders Solutions in Beachwood, Ohio, where his responsibilities include providing technical leadership and strategic guidance in the marketing of admixtures, fibers, high-performance concrete technologies, and technology transfer.

A Fellow of the American Concrete Institute (ACI), Dr. Nmai is the immediate Past President of ACI (2022-2023), a member of ACI’s Board of Direction and Executive Committee, and a member of several other board, technical and educational committees.

He is also a member of the Board of Direction of NEU, an ACI Center of Excellence for Carbon-Neutral Concrete, an honorary member of ASTM Committee C09, a past-president of the Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Association (FRCA), and a member of the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute’s (PCI) Concrete Materials Technology committee.

Dr. Nmai is a licensed professional engineer in the State of Ohio.

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