Design Awards Submission Guidelines
2024 Design Awards Entry Submission Information
Submit your declaration of intent by June 14!
Important Dates
May 3: Registration (Intent to Participate) Opens
June 14: Registration Closes
June 21: Online Project Submission Opens
August 16: Project Submission Closes
August 30: Judging
October 1: Winners Announced
November 7: Celebration Event at the University Club, Chicago
The ALA Design Awards is open to current Professional Members, including Senior and Emeritus Members. Any ALA membership type can register, but the project submission must include an ALA Professional Member name. Not a member? Learn more about ALA and join, then login and proceed to register.
Types of Projects
Projects of all sizes and architectural elements are encouraged to enter. You may re-submit previous projects that have not won an ALA award.
Awards and Recognition
Judging is overall not by category. Awards are to be made for: Gold, Silver, Merit, and there is one Presidential Award recipient. Winning entries will be featured in the Winter Issue of Licensed Architect. ALA will publish the awards on the website and through press and social media.
Submittal Process
Once again, ALA will be using Award Force a secure, online registration and review software platform. All entries will be completed online. You will set up an account and password when you are ready to complete entry information.
We will send you an email with a link to the online platform in June. You will need to set up an account or use an existing account. Be sure you complete all sections and upload photos and floor/site plans. Information required includes:
Image Uploads Uploads include site plan and/or floor plans up to 10 files max of 5MB each, which includes plans and photos.
Terms of Submittal
All entries are accepted with the explicit free right of publication, reproduction, and use by ALA and its sponsors, without need for further approval. Make sure your photographer understands the photos are to be used in a professional competition and that you retain a signed photographer release for all entries.
If you have questions, please call the ALA office at 847-382-0630, or email Corda Murphy at