Event Calendar

Thursday, November 16, 2023

ALA Fall Signature Conference

Start Date: 11/16/2023 7:30 AM CST
End Date: 11/16/2023 4:30 PM CST

Venue Name: Mid-America Carpenters Training Center

1256 Estes Avenue
Elk Grove Village, IL  United States  60007

SAVE THE DATE: ALA's Fall Signature Conference: Change is the New Norm
Thursday, Nov. 16, 2023

The way we work is changing. Our theme, Change is the New Norm explores latest technologies, trends and more affecting architecture.

Join ALA at the Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council Apprentice and Training Center in Elk Grove Village, IL, for another fruitful day of continuing education with a real-world focus. Learn strategies and best practices during sessions led by subject matter experts and make key connections with vendors and fellow architects.

The conference will be held in person for the full benefit of speaker and vendor interaction, with the option for those out of the area to attend online. Attendees can earn up to 6 LUs most HSW, pending approval once the agenda is finalized. 

-->View our Speaker Lineup
-->View the Full Agenda

Speaker Lineup 

Announcing Our Keynote Speaker: Rusty Smith 

We are pleased to welcome this year's keynote speaker, Rusty Smith, Associate Director,
Rural Studio
, Auburn University's internationally recognized design-build program.

Rusty will be presenting "Rural Studio and the Front Porch Initiative: Educating Citizen Architects for 30 Years."


"Are You Ready for Low-Carbon Concrete & Ultra-High Performance Concrete?"
Dr. Charles Nmai, PE, M.ASCE, FACI
Head of Engineering
Master Builders Solutions Admixtures US, LLC

"Malls to Neighborhoods"
Andrew Czajkowski, AIA
Associate Principal

"Energy Modeling from Code Compliance to Net Zero"
Benjamin A. Skelton, P.E. CxA, LEED AP
Cyclone Energy Group

"How Robotics and AI are Changing the Design and Build Environment"
Burcin Kaplanoglu, PhD
Vice President, Innovation
Oracle Industry Labs

The session, "Achieveing Project Funding Through Tax Credits - Case Studies," will be presented by the following three speakers:

Meg Kindelin, AIA
President and Owner
JLK Architects

Kara Johnston, AIA
Project Manager
JLK Architects

Kelsey Kuehn
Architectural Historian
JLK Architects

Full Agenda for 
Thursday, Nov. 16, 2023
All Times are CST

7:30-8:15 am Networking, Light Breakfast, Tabletops  
8:15 am Opening/Welcome Jeff Budgell, FALA
ALA Board President
8:30-9:30 am Keynote Address
Rural Studio and the Front Porch Initiative: Educating Citizen Architects for 30 Years

Earn 1.0 LU/HSW (Approved by ALA and AIA) 
Rusty Smith
Associate Director
Rural Studio
9:30-10 am Coffee Break, Visit Tabletops  
10-11 am Malls to Neighborhoods

Submitted to ALA and AIA for 1.0 LU/HSW and pending approval
Andrew Czajkowski, AIA
Associate Principal
SK+I Architecture
11-11:10 am Break  
11:10 am-12:10 pm Are You Ready for Low-Carbon Concrete & Ultra-High Performance Concrete?

Earn 1.0 LU/HSW (Approved by ALA and AIA)
Dr. Charles K. Nmai, PE, M. ASCE, FACI
Head of Engineering
Master Builders Solutions
12:10-1 pm Lunch, Networking, Tabletops  
1-2 pm How Robotics and AI are Changing the Design and Build Environment

To be submitted to ALA and AIA once the presentation details are finalized
Burcin Kaplanoglu, PhD
Vice President, Innovation
Oracle Industry Labs 
2-2:10 pm Break  
2:10-3:10 pm Achieving Project Funding Through Tax Credits - Case Studies

Submitted to ALA and AIA for 1.0 LU/HSW and pending approval 
Meg Kindelin, AIA
President and Owner
JLK Architects

Kara Johnston, AIA
Project Manager
JLK Architects

Kelsey Kuehn
Architectural Historian
JLK Architects 
3:10-3:20 pm Break  
3:20-4:20 pm Energy Modeling from Code Compliance to Net Zero

Earn 1.0 LU/HSW (Approved by ALA and AIA)
Benjamin A. Skelton, P.E. CxA, LEED AP
Cyclone Energy Group
4:20-4:30 pm Closing Remarks, Prize Drawings Jeff Budgell, FALA
ALA Board President