Flooring Failures and Solutions
"Flooring Failures and Solutions"
Approved for 1.0 LU/HSW
1:25-2:25 PM CDT, Thursday, May 18, 2023
Speaker: John Peters, INSTALL Chicago Representative, Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council
This presentation focuses on wood, carpet, and resilient flooring. The three main causes of floor failure will be discussed along with an explanation of steps to avoid failure. In addition, testing of moisture and relative humidity for both flooring installation and the prevention of mold or other health issues are explained. Selecting the proper floor over wood and concrete subfloor preparations, including underlayments, acclimating material and proper adhesives are discussed.
The presentation will advance to working in occupied buildings, hazardous materials, asbestos, chemicals, volatile organic compounds, maintenance and overall understanding the industry. Furthermore, the presentation will give brief explanations and descriptions of the different tools of the trade and how they can harm individuals who come across the flooring installation process. This will also apply to adhesives or products available.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Analyze why floors fail and how moisture in the substrate can harm both the occupants and the flooring installation.
- Identify the potential safety hazards to occupants, visitors and staff when installing a new floor.
- Analyze different flooring options and how they affect overall health of the building and its occupants.
- Analyze tools, adhesives and flooring products and how they can affect the health of the installers or occupants of the space.
- Gain a better understanding of how far flooring has evolved in the past decades.
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