Kimberly Paarlberg

Kim Paarlberg, R.A.


"ICC Standards and Changes to the Standards"  
1-2:30 PM CDT, Thursday, October 21, 2021
"Update to the 2021 IBC Codes 
1-2:30 PM CDT, Friday, October 22, 2021

Kimberly Paarlberg is a Senior Staff Architect in Technical Services with the International Code Council (ICC). Her experience with ICC includes work in the plan review and code development departments with responsibilities for code development, providing code interpretations, instructing technical seminars and authoring and reviewing instruction materials, code commentary and publication articles. Kimberly serves as code development secretary for the Administrative committee for the I-codes, the General and Means of Egress/Accessibility committees for IBC and IRC Building committees. She is ICC representative for development of the referenced technical standard, ICC A117.1 “Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities.” Kimberly is the staff for the ICC Health Care Committee (HCC) and the Building Code Action Committee (BCAC). She is also secretariat for the ICC 300 - Bleachers, Folding and Telescopic Seating and Grandstands, and the ICC 500 - Design and Construction of Storm Shelters.

Before joining ICC, Kimberly worked as a structural engineer and architect. Kim is a licensed architect in Illinois and holds an Accessibility Inspector/Plans Examiner certification. She is a member of the Indiana Steering Committee for the Great Lakes ADA Center which facilitates dispersal of information and technical assistance for ADA. She is also a member of her county Civil Emergency Response Team (CERT), and has completed SAP Evaluation Training and several FEMA classes.

-->View Paarlberg's presentation overview for "ICC Standards and Changes to the Standards."
-->View Paarlberg's presentation overview for "Update to the 2021 IBC Codes."
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