New Technologies for New Buildings in a New Climate World

Conference Schedule
New Technologies for New Buildings in a New Climate World
Speaker: Ralph T. Muehleisen
Approved by ALA and AIA for 1 LU/HSW
Spring Signature Conference, Friday, May 31, 2024

Climate change is creating a need to rethink the design of buildings and retrofit of existing ones. As the world looks at electrification as a way to reduce fossil fuels burned in heating buildings, opportunities for other changes in building design are growing. This presentation will discuss how new technologies, some just coming to market and some still in the lab, will help the transition to all electric buildings, help reduce buildings carbon footprints, and also help stabilize the grid to improve reliability and resilience of buildings and the grid.

Learning Objectives:
Participants will:

  1. Understand how the carbon footprint of buildings will change with electrification.
  2. Understand some of the new technologies that are in the R&D pipelines of National Labs, universities, and industry.
  3. Understand how phase change materials and thermal storage can help designers electrify building design.
  4. Understand how coordinated control distributed energy resources (HVAC, EV, PV, Wind, thermal and electric energy storage) can reduce costs and improve reliability and resilience of buildings.

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