Stacey Brown Randall Session


Conference Schedule

"Referrals Without Asking? Yes, Please!"
3-4 PM CDT, Friday, October 22, 2021
1 LU

Speaker: Stacey Brown Randall, Business Coach

Have you ever been told to receive referrals you just “have to ask?” But what if you don’t want to ask? Is there another way to build a business with new clients coming through referrals that you DON’T ask for and is consistent and reliable? Stacey Brown Randall will discuss how to create a business strategy to increase clients by referral. With hundreds of her students experiencing a referral explosion, Stacey will share the mindset, principles and strategies she teaches on generating consistent referrals without asking.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discover why the “asking” advice is all there is and other old school referral triggers.
  • Analyze what your sales strategy is missing if you want consistent and sustainable referrals (that you don't ask for).
  • Discuss the real definition of a referral (you just might be surprised).
  • Identify the four types of referral sources and the one MUST to become referral stronger.
  • Learn how one architect started receiving 2 to 3 referrals a week

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